The course is super helpful

I have found this course very helpful in gaining control over the fundamentals and understanding how to utilize Unity and is definitely moving from a toy I was curious about to a viable tool which I can utilize in the future.

The course is helping me understand programming a little better. I have been studying python on and off for a while, which helps with the fundamentals. Variables and functions are not new, but Unity brings immediacy to learning a language. Perhaps that is because I have been involved with visual arts and design for a long long time. Building a program then seeing the results is for me one of the strong points to the course. All aspects of the course have supplied me with a solid understanding of how to use C# and Unity. Each section (with some repetition on my part) builds a better understanding of how to design and build something in Unity. (Shakes fist at Ben and Rick for making me do homework. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: …)

Thanks to Ben and Rick for bringing enthusiasm to the language and the game design.


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