The ClickablePickup is not included in the inventory intergaration package

Hi! When i tried to intergrate to my project, the clickablepickup.cs is not included in the package. Can I use the script in this package


You can, but you have to be extremely careful not to include any other files from that package (as they’re incomplete scripts.
It’s best to use this one:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using GameDevTV.Inventories;
using UnityEngine;

namespace RPG.Control
    public class ClickablePickup : MonoBehaviour, IRaycastable
        Pickup pickup;

        private void Awake()
            pickup = GetComponent<Pickup>();

        public CursorType GetCursorType()
            if (pickup.CanBePickedUp())
                return CursorType.Pickup;
                return CursorType.FullPickup;

        public bool HandleRaycast(PlayerController callingController)
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            return true;

Thank you! It worked. When I read the comment, I see a lot of people getting the same problem. I think it should have ClickablePickup.cs in the Lecture Resources to avoid that

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