The character doesn't move properly

사진과 같이 하였는데 실행을 하면 캐릭터가 정면만 보고 달려요. 화면을 돌려도 오로지 정면만 봅니다. 왼쪽으로 이동하려고 해도 정면을 보며 왼쪽으로 이동해요. 뭐가 문제일까요?

That makes sense since you’re supplying hard values for the delta vectors. Take a look at GetActorForwardVector and GetActorRightVector.

It is also strange that you’re counteracting your movement by use the same value in both, but one is negative

This technique is shown by @sampattuzzi in this lecture to enforce collision with obstacles. It is not responsible for the actual movement.

Right, but is that the intention here?

I do not suppose that is the intention here. My interpretation is that the OP suspected a relation between the shown blueprint fragment and the problem described in the text. That problem seems to be that they can’t get the character to turn.

I watched the lecture and copied it. First of all, I think the reason for doing that is because the cube pushes out the character, but if you don’t do that, it moves little by little.
It moves naturally without moving the character. It’s very detailed. The characters moved freely before they were photographed. However, it doesn’t move after making it look like a picture. What should I do…?

The flow of sentences may not be natural because I used a translator.

I added this just in case this picture would be helpful

I’ve solved it. I’m adding Get Actor Rotation as shown in the picture below.

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