The Capsule Collider did not work for me

The method shown for the capsule collider did not work for me. The issue is that the capsule collider added to the player object cannot be rotated and was slightly off skew from the snowboard.

Instead I created a third object for my player(put as a child item), which was a 2D Capsule Sprite, then added the Capsule Collider 2D to this and removed the Sprite Renderer Component. This allows you to scale and rotate just the capsule collider as needed.


if someone else sees this and has a similar problem, you should be able to rotate the leg and body sprites to match the capsule angle, then rotate the character top level game object back if you want to, which will rotate both the underlying sprites and the collider together, so shouldn’t be an issue.

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Alternatively, you can hit this switch and just adjust the handles as necessary.

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