The camera view is stuck in an object - Help!

I was working in a model for the weekly Collab when suddenly the camera view got stuck inside an object. Now if I try to move back and around, all I see is inside a rectangle with red dashes, like the one of the camera view, fixed in the middle of the screen, and everything moving around.

I even tried to remove the camera and set a new one, but nothing changes and I am completely stuck.

This is the normal view:

As soon as I hit “0” for the camera view, it shows this and there is no way to change the view. It’s like the automata object (it is all joined) got stuck “inside” the camera. The floor and other items out of the object are moving as expected, but as if the automata was stuck as a fly on the lens. I cannot do anything to change the camera view size, either.

… Does anyone know how I got into this, and how I can fix it? I will not be able to complete it for this week, but I will have learned something valuable, thank you :laughing:!


Those red dashes are from the checkmark “camera to view”. But that your camera is stuck in robots head, could it be that u made active object as camera by miscliking. In the ouliner where it writes Camera click and activate that green camera icon on the right side, I think this should help.


I think Srl1 probably has it. Surprising you could not add a new camera without problem?

Firstly remove check tick from Camera to View checkbox. Make sure to move cursor outside the model even on stuck view. Then without removing the old camera add a new camera then change view to active object with the new camera selected. See if that works.

I think there is some problem in Blender regards no real default camera but one camera is added automatically to scene. So I always prefer to add a new camera straight away for renders. Perhaps the problem is not with Blender but my understanding of it?


Yes, thank you, this worked! Pity I could not finish the model on time, but I am glad I could fix this :grinning:!


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