The calm before the storm - A chess story - Part 1

I had a dream once. It was me, but not as I should have been…but how I would be. Doesn’t make sense, does it? Okay then…Let’s start from the beginning.

I’m a simple pawn from the order of the white knights. We are trained to be tactically advantageous through slow, steady and precise movement.

This is me. I am one of many. We are similar, sometimes, but there are also “original” ones…

These are people who want, for some reason, to make themselves more remarkable on the battlefield. They pay good money and even starve themselves just to make their armor a little different. This guy polished his metal until it got to “baby skin” smoothness. I just quoted him on the adjective.
There is also the guy over there, “sparkles” we like to call him.

He plated his armor with metallic scales, making it almost twice as heavy as usual ones. It’s pretty, I must admit, and more protected on some areas, but in a life and death situation, I prefer to choose agility over toughness.
We make up the king’s first line of defense. There are special ones, but we are all united against the great threats that come upon our kingdom.

Now, on the dream part…

There I was, floating. Translucent…Empty. Thrown away. But why? And when? And by whom? I could not find out. I didn’t even have time to finish my dream, for the bishop woke us all up at 4 am.

I’ve never seen him so terrified in my entire life.

“All hands to the stations! All hands to the stations!!!”

He did not tell us what awaited us, but we got up, donned our armors and in 10 minutes we were marching to the field of justice.

You don’t know what the field of justice is? Well, it’s this…


They’re us. They came back.
And there’s only one reason for which they would invoke the field of justice…

They want a rematch.

To be continued…


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