The bunny demands more cameras!





Chapeau !

Thank you very much

That’s a masterpiece !:grinning:

thank you again. I feel the eyes are a little over sized so I will probably work some more on them while I’m doing the section on texturing the eyes and still have the rest of the scene to build so lots left to do. Again thank you for your comments

Maybe you could do some eyelids, because I think the size of the eyeball itself is right.
Also you could make the back of the head a tiny bit larger. But of course I dont know if it’d really look good, you’d have to try. Just an idea…

What I like about your Bunny is how detailed the curves are… Do you have bunnies?

lol no just the ones that live in my yard and at the stream next to my house.

maybe I’ll leave the eyes alone for now see how it looks after texturing.

thanks for your input.

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