I like this “Weekly Themed Gallery”! So ‘Gouda’ this time.
Going to try and shoot for photo real with volumetric lights by the end of the challenge…dunno if i can pull it off but will give it a go …
It’s all about learning some new things and extending on known technics to get something done in roughly 1-2 good sessions (e.g. saturday/sunday) and share with your peers.
Having a monthly format is more like a competition to build the best render you ever made and doesn’t add to the lean method / quick iteration theme of this blender course
Important fact about the weekly challenge: you don’t have to finish everything or feel forced to participate every week - this is for fun and quick self improvement purpose
Fail Faster - there is no instant win
Twitter: @GamedevCala - Blog: nerd-time.com - Twitch: GamedevCala
and here is a fresh plate of french fries with some salt and ketchup (After 9:32 hours of cooking
The hardest thing was to create the fries material
Nice one Abdullah! Great work by everyone as usual This weekly themed thread is awesome…Any hints tips suggestions on what i can or should do to this to get it as close to photo real as possible? Hard stuff…but thats what this thread is about right expanding your skills and challenging yourself
I agree with Gamedevcala i think keeping this weekly works really well … we could always start a monthly version as well for people that want to take a little more time with it all ? maybe a monthly contest for best render…what does everyone think? another good way to add some challenge and push ourselves forwards…
Inspired by @AbdullahAbdin bowl of ketchup, I added mustard to the scene. Which I found difficult. I used SCULPT mode to achieve this. But I discovered, that I need to learn much more about this tool. I also added some mustard seeds with particles.
Finally I discovered that my block of cheese was about 1.5 million vertices. Why I do not know. I used 8 modifiers on a basic cube. Boolean subtractions, twist, bend, bevel, etc. But I had fun! And now I need to work and make some money …
Nice, i made the ketchup in sculpt mode too i used the default brush then the grab one
i think you should use an HDR image to light the scene it gives nice results and of course try volumetric lightning it is awesome and i think maybe you could add some dust or something like that to table material because in real life i don’t think it can be clean that much
Wow, very good job as usual!
If you aiming for realism there is a few things that are a little off in my opinion.
First the lighting, you could use the windows for some exterior lighting incoming (maybe with some volumetric) would create a nice reflection if you used a picture outside too, or maybe some light source coming from the top of the table.
The cutlery feels a little weird (specially the fork), the knife handle appears to need smoothing.
One last thing, the table, is very reflexive what material is it made of?
There is a cool small test useful for these situations, usually 1 object can mess with the realism of your whole scene as we tend to focus on what is off or weird. Hide a few objects at the time (with finger or digitally) and see how the scene feels.Try hiding the cutlery.
One thing it would be nice in this scene is a napkin, maybe beneath or above the cutlery.
But the scene is very good man, fells nice and clean.
[EDIT] maybe some bread crumbs on the plate!
Weekend - Nacho and Cookie time! But be prepared…
I hijacked the theme this week to learn more about Unreal Engine 4 sequencer.
But the cookies and nachos were made in Blender
Fail Faster - there is no instant win
Twitter: @GamedevCala - Blog: nerd-time.com - Twitch: GamedevCala
Lucas , abdullah…thanks for the ideas and advice guys…all great and extremely helpful … . i tried all of the things you mention which did really help in making it closer but i still just could not get that realism look no matter how much i worked on it… but yeah i will try again awhile from now when my understanding of nodes…lighting etc is quite a bit better than right now i don’t think even if i spent 100 hours i could make it look more real hahal … … lucas Your right about the fork lol it is funky …i made that thing back when i was on section 4 of the course should of probably built a fresh one but i was being lazy haha… I just did a bunch of research on photo realism, like you guys said everything needed more of that used look…smudges on the table…crumbs on the plate…which i did make for one iteration out of tiny suzanne heads haha…scratches on the floor and walls and also a far better understanding of materials and lighting than i have as of yet ! It was fun though to push for something so far beyond my skill level even if i could not accomplish it and get a real understanding of just how hard it is and what it would take to make something photo real…thats the great thing about this thread you try and do things out of your comfort and knowledge zone… …in the end i gave up on photo real and just shot for pleasant haha here is the not even close to photo realistic but peaceful final result …. Gammedevcala i like your unique different idea It is really awesome mate…really well done! Alex and arabdragon awesome low poly work…i find making low poly models look good really hard! Abdullah sweet job on your scene mate, it made me hungry lol that ketchup looks pretty damned close to real ketchup methinks! fedpete sounds like you used evey modifier in the book even particles …its cool when you build a scene using all the tricks …nice job mate!! As always everyone made really great stuff…this thread rocks!!
Still working on this one. @rszarka suggested I post here.
An awful lot of work still needed. I haven’t filled out the room which does make a difference as you can see in the reflections. The lipstick doesn’t work very well. The table needs textureing.
Doh!. Just realised I should call the picture 2glasses2.png rather than glasses2.png.
Wesley welcome to the weekly collaboration You did an awesome job mate! I think the lipstick on the glass turned out really well…what did you use a second uvmap or texture paint it on? Nice work!
@rszarka I used a second uvmap. I only actually unwrapped the surfaces with the lipstick and the condensation. Thats about all. Both glasses share the same base map but the second has the lippy on it.
Looks great Robert.
Hey guys. A fantastic effort from everyone! Sorry I wasn’t able to upload my own. I took a week off, and now I’m bored with time off so I’m ready for next weeks! lol
We had an amazing 9 submissions this week, without counting duplicates. From those 9, I will let the RNG decide who picks the theme for next week. However, please send me a personal message if you have an idea for a weekly theme that would be perfect for learning and progression (like 2 weeks ago’s animation topic).
Random number jesus has chosen number 1, which is @amhadinger. Congrats, and amhadinger, could you please create a new thread with this week’s theme, if you could?
Reading the thread, I like the idea of a monthly thread, though it would require a different format to the one we currently have. The weekly threads are very important, and we’ve been making lots of progress, so I don’t want to change this to monthly, or stop it. A weekly gllaery submission can be knocked out in an afternoon after all.
If we start a new thread chain, I propose we have a much larger scale than singular objects; perhaps a whole animation, a massive scene, go for photorealism, or create characters. And keep this going, rotating who picks the topic weekly, of course.
I will investigate what would be best and start this on the 1st of next month. This will be a PROJECT thread, not a gallery thread, and we’ll have to work a lot harder. Imagine how much we could achieve working on the same project for a whole month.
I know you guys can do it, and I’m excited to start creating larger scale stuff too. But there’s one more weekly thread until next month, so; take us away, @amhadinger!
Oh Wow!!!
Great job everyone!!!
Here’s the link for next weeks theme!