The Blender Collab; Weekly Themed Gallery (Week 4: 2017) (Alienimation)

Ahaha, sorry for the confusing title, but this is a special one.

Because @rszarka and I both got equal votes for our submissions last week, we decided to do a special weekly submission. This week’s topic is a combination of our two themes:

Rszarka suggested Planetary/Alien Landscape :alien:
McFuzz suggested an animation. :rocket:

So, this week’s topic is a Planet or Alien themed Animation!

As usual, the submission can be as simplistic or as detailed as you feel confident in doing; if you are not yet up to/not confident with animations, feel free to just make a lovely alien landscape or scene. The polies can be as low or as high as you prefer!

Looking forward to great submissions!


This was a good idea mcfuzz, animating is my most neglected skill in Blender…first test of an animated planetary system is rendering now …will post when done …question for anyone with a bit of animating experience …I made rings for one of my planets with a particle system, used a small plane as an emitter and got the 80k particles to follow a curve around my planet …looked great playing in blender but when I went to render the animation everything rendered but the particles …I did some research and found that if I made a small sphere gave it a material and then set it to be emitted in the particle systems render settings under object the particles or small spheres that were now being generated by the emitter should render in the animation. …again looked great in preview but no particles in the render …checked all the obvious things like that the camera for render was on each item I wanted rendered etc…any ideas anyone how to make a particle system render in a cycles animation render?

Here is my first test render @ only 50 samples …plenty to fix …its hard to tell the planet is also spinning on its axis …also hard to tell the rings are spinning and the moon hahah …anyways my first render of a planetary system with rings and a moon render :slight_smile:


An alien landscape. I had to play with some settings and test out my new graphics card :smile:, but I couldn’t get the wind force to work the way I wanted. All the methods I dug up online didn’t seem to work. Still, I’m glad I got to play with it, even if I had to animate some parts myself. :relaxed:


Progress…i added some camera angles to make it more interesting …very low sample render @10 samples…will make it longer …have a spaceship flyby and do a final render at high samples …


Nice job NixeKnox … if you could figure out a way to anchor the bottom of the lilly stems so the top sways and the bottom stays it would give it a more realistic feel :slight_smile: Don’t stop keep playing with it ! if you can’t figure out how to do something ask here and maybe one of us has the answer … what problems did you have with the wind force?

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Thanks :smile: Well, I used the wind field in the physics panel on the ground and dropped everything down to 0.001 and it’s still moving too fast. I’d like it to move at the speed the flowers are going (I did those). If I add it with the add menu (shift+ A) and set it up, it doesn’t effect anything. I don’t know if it’s because the grass, flowers and leaves are particle systems or if I’m just not doing it right. I can’t find anything that explains it very well in the cycles engine.

Nike have you done the Blender course ??? There is a section towards the end “section 9” that deals with the physics engine and explains how to make everything work with the different force fields… i have to redo that section myself to get a proper grip on it all as it was a few months back when i went through it …if i remember right when you want a model to be affected by the force fields you insert you have to make them a rigid body …also manipulating the gravity under the scene tab is necessary at times so your model does not just drop off the scene when the animation starts if it is not held up by a passive body. It would be pretty hard to explain everything here for you so i suggest if you do have the Blender course jump ahead to the section on Destruction to learn how to use all the different physics abilities in Blender…Michael does a brilliant job of walking you through it all!
I am going to redo that section in the next day or so to help with the scene i am making, i should be able to help you more once i have done so :slight_smile: If you don’t have the Complete Blender course and like using Blender you must get it mate, best course available for Blender anywhere and you will be a wiz at Blender by the end guaranteed or at the very least you will have a much better understanding of all things Blender than when you started :slight_smile:

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I’m about to start section 6, just waiting for my lamp animation render to finish. :slight_smile: I was wondering if we’d ever get to the force fields, good to know that’s still ahead. :smile: I tried using the rigid body and when nothing happened I turned on hair dynamics. That didn’t make it work either so I tried soft bodies and got the movement that I was looking for in the grass, but not the speed. It didn’t work right on the flowers though so it’s back to the drawing board. :sweat:

Nike wish I could be of more help but animating and physics in blender is not my strong suit …hopefully someone that knows more will pipe in here for you if not section 9 will sort it all out for you :slight_smile: I’m relearning quite a lot doing this planet scene animation , but man the render times …have one going now for over 24 hours and it’s still only half way done and we are talking a low sample five second clip haha brutal!

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That’s okay, I’ll keep playing with it, it’ll make sense later :slight_smile:. I agree that render times are a pain though, my last graphic card was taking 45 minutes a frame :sweat_smile:.

Great jobs ! I’m sorry, i didn’ have time this week, i hope the next theme will inspire me :wink:

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Where is everyone this week ? Final cut of my planet scene took 2 days to render 5 seconds @ 100 samples just finished midnight sunday… i really need a new computer hahah …I meant to animate some movement on the sun so it looked like a burning sun but ran out of time given the extreme render times!


Wow that’s awesome! I can’t wait to get to that level. 2 days to render it? :frowning: Damn. I was going to make weekly 30sec-1min youtube vids . probably not lol. That’s a long time to process!

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motoko, …thanks mate :slight_smile: you are well on your way , saw your dino scene :slight_smile: by the end of the course you will be able to do just about anything!! re render times…my computer is 7 years old so not a good benchmark of render times! they would be substantially less on a newer better machine …but there is always the option of render farms to speed things up …one such free render farm …well semi free you have to donate some processing time is … im sure there is a way to do 30 sec - 1 min weekly quite easily for you don’t worry :slight_smile:

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Nice work there guys, well done :slight_smile:

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Hey guys! Congratulations on the animations this week. it was fantastic to see people tackle the harder ones!

The winner is @NixeKnox with her alien lilly animation! (With 5 likes) :smiley: Well done

@NixeKnox, could please upload the next week’s topic! :smiley:

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This theme was a wonderful idea! :smile: The new theme is up and it’s Stuff in the Kitchen. I hope to see you there!

Congratulations Nikenox :slight_smile:

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