The Blender Collab; Weekly Themed Gallery (Week 17)

Winter is coming, and winter will be this week’s theme. A cup of mead near the fireplace, a wild snowman, keep your models warm !


Great challenge


What a surprise! I’m working on a winter themed fps! NOTE: Not my entry!

Here is one of the enemy models


My Entry:
Christmas Cookies! :smiley: :cookie:

UPDATE 1: Added a coffee mug
UPDATE 2: Someone was very naughty and took a bite of a cookie! :open_mouth:


Reminds me of a Nosferatu I use to know! :jack_o_lantern:

lol, i think you’re right.

But you know it’s not my contribution but just a pic from GoT.

Just so you know, if that Game of Thrones pic gets the highest number of likes for this week, I’m not giving you the topic for next week for it lol. Only submissions count!
(P.S, good topical pic though, it’s both Halloweeny AND Wintery, but it’s making me homesick for more GoT ;_:wink:

lol, yes knew it was not your submission was teasing

Yep, it was a proof of my happiness for this challenge :smile:

See, they could be brothers!

Anyone needing a scary movie for Halloween looks like someone posted it to YouTube

The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the theme was hot cocoa.
So here it is … my submission.
Hope you like it :slight_smile:

ps: it is my first try on modeling.


Here’s mine, kicked it off before going out and it took 1:28:48


Where i leave, snow is only in bubbles :slight_smile:


Hi guys! Great work on this week’s submissions!

Keeping in line with the recent idea of picking the submission with the most upvotes, the winner of this week’s topic is @DrBane, with 7 votes for his impressive first submission. Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry for this week!

@DrBane, could you please start a new thread with your idea this week’s topic!


Congratz, ArabDragon! I would say you did very well for your first try at modeling! Keep up the good work!

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