The Blender Collab; Weekly Themed Gallery (Week 16)

For my first themed gallery, i choose Legend & Lore : dragons, dwarfs, standing stones, …

I hope you will appreciate this theme.


Cool, I’ll see if I can get something done for this this week.

A long time ago, Dwarfs forged the Makaz-Dreugi
,great swords of amazing power,
but in the night a creature stole them away…
Deep in the Dwarf mines of Doki’dum the Makaz-Dreugi awaits…
But It’s guardian will not let them pass out of his hands so easily…

Edit Sorry guys, I didn’t have time to make a model this week so I went with one of my old models.


So here’s my dwarf.


My model for this week’s challenge is if a dragon.


Looking good! but that’s a wyvern, not a dragon (sorry, couldn’t help myself) :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m having trouble with my dragon and Civ VI is out today, so I’m not sure if I’ll get it done well by Monday.

Thank you for pointing that out. I had not known the distinction between two. Knowing this also aides in a believeable functioning model. As I originally planned to make this model a fire breather(which Wyverns rarely have the ability to do) but did not due to time. Also I failed to add a barb to it’s tail. Attention to such characteristics could deter clients looking to receive a particular model only to get something different and not wanted.

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I wouldn’t worry in this case, but attention to detail always helps :slight_smile:

Used this weekly for playing around with the particel system

Dragon egg with dwarven axe


Excalibur in Grianán Ailigh (Grianan of Aileach).

It took pictures of Grianán Ailigh this summer and try to incorporate Excalibur inside a picture.

It was quite good until i try to put flames around the sword :

I used this tuto to put objects in a photo

but i think that Smoke domain is still not perfect in Blender 2.78 (or i’m stupid… or both).

The flames was like this :


Hey guys! Well done with your models.

Still keeping the idea from last week, we’re going off the most liked model to select the poster for next week. This week the topic selector is @Svetlin_Balkanski for his Dwarf with 6 votes. Thanks everyone for participating and voting.

@Svetlin_Balkanski can you please create a new thread with the topic you’d like to select for this week?


Congratulations to all participants ! Hope to see your models in this week’s themed gallery.

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