The Blender Collab; Weekly Themed Gallery (Week 11)

unfortunately i won’t make anything this week because i started to make the monthly project (an awesome animation that will take ages to make and (agesx2) to render so i should make it as fast as i can) :slight_smile:

update: i changed my mind and made something (better than nothing) (A happy grasshopper :joy: )

Everyone’s work is nice :wink:


awesome work everyone !!!

Well done everyone! Some definite improvements on every front, I’m so glad people are using this as a way to challenge themselves every week!

Out of 7 submissions, I will now consult the almighty RNG to decide to topic picker for next week. The RNG has chosen submission number 1, which is @Morgaine_Christensen! The RNG has chosen wisely: Morgaine has been pushing hard and making great progress, (and even was the first submission for the monthly project!)

Congratulations @Morgaine_Christensen. Please make a new thread for Week 12 with the topic for this week!

Wow! Thanks so much!

I have created a new thread and posted the new challenge for next week

MEDIEVAL TYPE WEAPONRY–Can be real or fantasy weapons (i.e. swords,
maces, spears, cross bows, katanas, scimitars, catapults, etc.)

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Enjoyed this week, brill work everyone !

Everyone did a great job this week!

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