The Blender Collab: Weekly Themed Gallery (Final Entries due Sunday Oct 29) Story telling

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again. Humpty Dumpty

It’s all about story telling and composition. Try to capture this little nursery rhyme into a single image. Use your imagination. Good luck.

My story …


Nice Theme :slight_smile:

Nothing to see with :

but :

“C-3PO” by ryanhaldy


When they found him late at night, it was too late for him :frowning:


Humpty Dumpty tech startup version


humptydumpty - 10

Well I changed my story a little bit. And I had no time to add some details to the scene. I thought to be smart to use an existing police car model from the internet archives. But it was an .OBJ file and the UV-Maps and bitmap where not aligned. So I spend a lot of time to tweaking this, instead of adding details to the scene.
I think the image maybe too dark.


Nice work everyone! A lot of ‘dark thoughts’…

Time vote! @Aapef, @Manu_Scheller and @marilu597
But everyone else can participate

  • Aapef “Do Androids Dream Electric Sheeppoll-sheeps
  • Manu_Scheller “Late at nightpoll-head
  • marilu597 “Tech startup …poll_fell
  • FedPete “Crime Scenepoll-crime

0 voters

Hi @Aapef, congratulations. You won this round.
Please create a new subject for this week collab.

Didn’t have time to complete this for the judging, but thought I would share it and move on.


This is a lot of work! And like it!

Next time, say you need more time! Then we’ll extend the period by a week.
( and giving us also more time to finish the projects we’ve started :wink: )

Until next time,
happy rendering.

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