The Blender Collab: Week 19 Themed Gallery ("Party time!")

Thanks man , but i found node one easy for me that way i dont have to tweak some settings and it can be applieed even after i rendered the image , compositng it take 2-3 sec . at least for the renders i did till now .

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Yes Pretty sure you can. Not a feature I have ever had much call for. I was tempted but was too lazy in the end. I tried to keep it simple, spent the time finding out how to get those ribbons effect by nodes.

It becomes difficult to choose, again! But again nice and different entries!

Can you send your node setup, i wanna try to make something like yours . Also do you know how to change fonts??

Goal is to learn …

The top bit does the colour, note colour 2 to set in the node and use without a picker colour wheel, the bottom the liney effect of satin cloth. The mapping nodes gets two sets of lined to look like fibres woven. The wave texture nodes vary the size of the lines. ( I just got it from some on line tutorial, tweaked its numbers, and colours till it worked for me, different objects may need different settings.

Via that arrowed file folder icon, it takes you to the windows fonts set.


Are the reflective dots some kind of sprinkle added to the table or are they individual mesh objects themselves?

Nice game! Like it too.

Good work everyone, this one is my favorite, it’s perty

Happy Birthday to you!


I took more time to think about this and some failed idea too lead me to create this Party Game popular in movies when they party.


wow, this scene is pretty epic!

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Had no idea what i was doing and just played around with everything until i thought it looked ok.


Haha cool. That’s some nice looking wrapping paper!


I don’t drink, but I like that game xD

I’m with you on the drinking part. Though with all those party movies this came to mind :joy:

Its not a real party without a snacks table!!! Where else will we get our much needed dose of sugar?


Cube Dudes partying after a week of hard work


Haha, this is awesome!


Last minute entry, upgraded my CPU this week.

Simple DJ Setup.


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