The Bishops' notch


Bool operator is one of my favorites :slight_smile:

One thing I do not know at the moment…
If I cut out like this… please look at the third picture (the rendering) - I wanted to do a smooth figure… how can I smooth that inner faces, that have been created through the cut? I can not apply another subdivision modifier only on those new faces… how’s that done?


One way is to start with the notch and tilt the geometry. But it all gets very much more complicated.

  • You piece is smoothed, but the notch isn’t

  • You need to switch smoothing on for the notch object.

  • if you apply the Boolean, then everything is smoothed, but other problems will occur.

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While using the boolean modifier with the notch the edges of the notch will be seen in the cut.So I beveled the edges of the notch.(control + B). Then I applied the boolean modifier.Then i beveled the newly cut edges of the bishop head a little so it won’t look horrible while I apply smooth shading to the bishop.

I did not use any subdivision modifiers at all,as i made my model from a 32 vertices cylinder.
It looks not as smooth on the cut but close enough.
So in my opinion just bevel the notch edges if you don’t mind a little extra geometry.


Thanks for the Tipp! I will try


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