The Battle

You are a Peasent

You work hardly on the fields when you see a big army coming to the city walls. You decide to:
A: Talk to the army - You die
B: Go warn the King

The King thanks you for your warning and asks you to fight for him. You decide to:
A: Run like a coward - You die
B: Help in the Fight

The Kings asks you what class you wanna be. You are:
A: Mage
B: Warrior

Fighters rush into the battle and archers are getting up to towers. You decide to be:
A: Support Mage
B: Warrior

Support Mage:
The battle is taking hours, but luckily your side is winning. But then your King will get criticly hurt.
One hit and he will be dead. Luckily you use your healing magic and heal the wounds. The King will rise succesfuly
counter the attack and kill their leader. Many good soldiers died at this war, but you won and the King lives.
Thats all that matters to you. After the battle King officialy promote you to the Highest Rank of Magicians
and gives you a lot of gold for your help. He also asks you to be his person guardian.

You decide to:
A: Be his personal guardian
B: Travel around the world and go on Adventures

The battle is taking hours, but luckily your side is winning. But then your King will get criticly hurt.
One hit and he will be dead. You start running to save him but your armor is too heavy and you were too slow to save him.
You fought with the Leader of the enemy army and succesfuly won. The King is dead, but thousand of soldier
lifes were saved thanks to you. The new King will reward you with gold for your help and asks you to be his personal

You decide to:
A: Be his personal guardian
B: Travel around the world and go on Adventures

Please rate and maybe say what could be better

I love fantasy worlds. You look like you are setting up quite a number of different directions your story could take based on preferences that the user makes in the early choices of the game. Grand scope and sounds like a lot of fun. :slight_smile:

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