The ball stops when it collides with another object?

When I shoot the ball from the paddle, the ball now sticks to whatever Box Collider 2D that I have set up, so the Block, the Left Wall, Right Wall and Top Wall. Do I need to add the bounce effect to Material on these walls ?!?! I didn’t hear that in the video.

Best, NIcklas


Regarding the issue, can you provide me with a screenshot from your Inspector with the Ball GameObject in the scene selected please. If the components on the Ball are longer than there is room in the window for, please scroll and take a second screenshot :slight_smile:

Here is a screen shot of my Inspector with the “ball” selected.

Can you pop up screenshots of the other components on the ball too.

In fact, it would probably be easier if you just share your project files so I can take a quick look.

The forum will allow uploads of up to 10MB, if your project files (zipped) are larger than that you would need to use a service such as Google Drive or Dropbox, and then share the URL.

Everything should be there if you press the image, the entire inspector with all the components is there.

Sorry, utterly missed that!

You’ll want Continuous set as the Collision Detection Mode for the Rigidbody2D component.

Found it…

You don’t have the Physic Material 2D material on the Ball’s Circle Collider component - thus, no bounce.


Okay, changed Collision Detection mode to Continious and applied the “bounce” to Physic Material 2D and it works now, missed that in the video :thinking: Thank Rob for the fast reply, incredible course :slight_smile:

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You’re very welcome. :slight_smile:

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