That challenge was pretty hard for me but figured out a way to do it without help, albeit my solution was way more complicated then the answer given after the challenge, with much of it being unnecessary I’m sure. I also think I left the
“return false;” at the end to do nothing
I took the instructions literally and had it print either True or False.
At 1 AM the only thing my brain could think of to do is put the whole thing in an if statement.
I have the impression this is an amateur way of doing it. If I wanted it to print the actual words True or False this is the only way I could think of making it happen
I will revise to the answer given in the lecture of course as the only point of printing the true false is to make sure the function works properly.
Edit: Although I did get the use of the ‘OR’ syntax right on my own, so proud of myself for that.
Also, ALL feedback is wanted, i’m craving it right now, good and bad. Even if it’s to say “Yo man, hey guy wus up dewd, you suck at this mang, k bye”
In my opinion, if you have the right attitude all feedback can be encouragement, even if that encouragement is to prove the bad mouth guy wrong.
So if anyone sees me post anything and you’ve got something to point out then give it to me.