Thanks for the tutorial. I'm learning a lot!

My little lighthouse island


Nice job on the lighthouse! I like the bright and glowing stars - that’s a great addition.

That moon is quite huge and bright - you may want to play with a bright rim light coming from the direction of the moon.


Looking good, cozy little island :slight_smile:
And welcome to the community ^^

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love your background for this image, look forward to seeing more you’ll make!

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Great lighthouse island and fancy starry sky!

Welcome to this site.
Take some time to look around and take part, support, and encourage other students.

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I agree with @mfortunato in his comment about the moon being large and bright. I think it overpowers everything else in the scene. Perhaps if you move the majority of it off to the top right corner of the image, and then, as @mfortunato suggested, use a Rim light to add glowing light from the moon, it would look more natural. A moon is not so close to a planet that it overpowers it as it does in your current scene.

Other than that, the scene looks very nice. Welcome to the Community, and I look forward to seeing what other projects you’ll be working on. :slightly_smiling_face:

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