Textures not showing in Cycles

I was following the character course in the texture painting part. Everything was going great until my textures stoped showing Cycles. They show up in Solid mode, Material preview mode and in my image texture but not in Cycles as you can see in the white right horn and the double X in his stomach (if I change it to Eevee it does show up but I thing it should also appear in Cycles as the rest of the colors).
I do not know exactly what I did for this to happen. I was following the tutorial trying to put a metalic base color for one of the objects and this happened.

The material node setup is too small to read clearly.
The viewport shader uses Eevee, while the render engine is Cycles.

I see a factor of ‘1’, meaning one bitmap isn’t used in the calculations.


Problem solved. The texture doesn’t show up in Cycles until you save the image texture :expressionless:
Thanks brother.


Yeah, that’s true!
Not so handy feature of Blender.
But it has improved a bit.
Now, Blender warns you of unsaved bitmaps when you close Blender.
Before that, unsaved images got lost.


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