Textured Tiles


Was this done in Blender Render or Cycles? I have been practicing blender for some time and can never get textures to look that good.

it is done in blender render. The textures for the tiles use these settings:

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Thanks I’ll try to replicate it in Cycles. I’ve been mucking around with blender for a while now and never bothered with blender render as the turorials I followed on youtube explained it was being phased out.

Yeah, in cycles you have to use image textures, the auto-generated textures is just for the blender internal engine I think.

So I played around a bit, and found a way to get the same textures in cycles, idk if this is the easiest way, but I rendered the texture in blender render with environment lighting instead of a lamp to make sure there wasn’t any shading. I rendered at like, 8k x 8k for decent resolution. Then used that as an image texture and with a glass shader added in this is how it turned out:

With displacement:

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