Textured Anti-Tank Turret model

Hey guys,

when I saw the asset for the Auto-Mortar turret I set myself the challenge to model and texture this myself (no offense meant, Ben. Nice job motivation me! :wink: ).

This is what came out of this:

If you want to use this model for yourself, feel free to do so. I am providing it under a Creative Commons license here:


It includes a readme file that hopefully explains everything you need to know for the setup.
Hope you like it and keep it up with the course.



This is beautiful… it’s far too good looking for my low-poly-smashed-together-world! Great work!

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Oh whoa! that is lovely! Thanks a bunch.
How long did it take you to make it?

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Phew, I guess it was something up to 20 hours. But mostly because I made a lot of mistakes along the way that made me backtrack to fix it. :sweat_smile:

well that seems just fine since it looks amazing! :smiley: great job!

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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