Texture basics

Hey, workign through Blender Environment course:.
Two questions about my when compared to the instruction video.

  1. on Shading screen, even though side of box is selected, i cant see the unwrapped shape show up within window, not sure why?

  1. In the training video, the instructor scaled the rectangle in X or Y axis with no issues, when i do it, i can’t scale it via one axis only, any thoughts to why?
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The first thing that looks odd is the lack of the grid in the UV panel.
Check the overlays dropdown in that panel and ensure ‘grid’ is ticked, it usually is by default.

Then Unwrap the whole corridor so the full UV appears, I can only guess that odd shape of yours is due to it not being unwrapped, possibly not having a marked seam on the end? seeing the full UV would give us some idea.


Your image node doesn’t have any VECTOR attached to it. Meaning no UV_Map attached.
But in this case, Blender tries to use a default UV-Map based on the default Cube.
But if you didn’t start with the basic cube, then Blender will guess something with your current outcome.


Thanks, my Overlays was turned off that was one of the issues :slight_smile:


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