Text101: Game Story Design for Aftersince

Game Story Design- “Aftersince: The Sound of Dreams”

Here is my attempt at conceptualizing the basic start level with the Flow Diagram above. That’s it for now. Planning on expanding the diagram later.
Suggestions welcome :thinking:

You can checkout the draw.io flow chart here


Good design for the flow. Seems you found a way to keep things neat. I always have a problem keeping it on a single page, but then I suppose it depends on how big and how much you want to chart out. I love that your story has about a bazillion ways to lose and one path to victory. I’ll have to keep that in mind when I’m in your games! Good job Castelli!


Thank you Jenn. To keep it on a single page, I figured taking an entire screenshot of the whole flow within browser the resulted in a wack image with unreadable text. Same thing for exporting the chart as an image within draw itself. What I did is capture the screenshots (1366x768 laptop screen), scrolled the page and did more shots. Then layered them in Photoshop and masked off the overlapping layers. See the attached PSD file (1007.6 KB)

About a billion ways to loose and just one success path :see_no_evil:, just wanted to keep is simple so don’t be so sure next time :grin:. Be blessed.


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