Text Adventure - Power Nap

EDIT : Hello everyone! My Text101 course trials are now complete and I have reworked this post to keep it relevant!

Power Nap is a Text Adventure loosely based around Rick’s joke idea of Ben falling into a coma for 10 years : it features everyone’s favorite instructor duo, five endings (two of which featuring Ben as an evil cult leader) and a gorilla-induced game over.

Even though it’s very basic, Power Nap is my very first game and I’ll love it until the day I die : because it’s so early in the course and there are no visuals or game mechanics to speak of, I tried to make the story as entertaining and fun as possible, and I also made some music for it.

I would really very much love to know if you enjoyed it, and I am open to any and all kinds of feedback!

Leaf Let

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