Text 101 - Disappearances in New England

Here’s my take on the Choose your own QUEST challenge going on with this course.

Theme :

Cthulhu-ish, so very dark, disturbing, and possibly mind-shattering.

Image that sums up the game theme :

This is drawn by Andrée Wallin, and in no way, shape or form by me (I can barely draw stick figures)

Who is the player :

Old detective, coming to Arkham, to solve a series of unresolved disappearances.

What is the goal :

Survive (solve the crimes), or destroy Earth (cultist ending)? I think I’ll set myself a goal for multiple endings, which aren’t in essence bad endings, just different branches, based on the player choices.


Cool, I love Lovecraftion horror, and it’s a great fit for the Choose your own QUEST genre!

Have fun :smile:

Oh I just love this setup!
Victorian England with their spooky streets…go for it!

Cool Image. Cant wait to play the game!!

This sounds pretty cool! Even if it’s just for the class, please do let me know if I can play it!

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