Test creating a poll

[poll type=regular results=on_vote chartType=bar]

0f17f890455da07a18f211e43ddb464dcaa4a714_2_500x500 Buddha
8bdf5afbefdd321488a77a9072828daaadadedff_2_690x388 Mars

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Why can’t I do it?

0 voters

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I got it!!!

You need to keep the text editor code intakt. Which is cryptic …

[poll type=regular chartType=bar]
* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3

'*' means a list item, which ned to have an image like `![visible name](URL to the image)`

But when you forget one simple ‘[’, ‘(’ etc. It’s broken. Or added a space (somewhere) … it’s broken.

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I uploaded pics to the wrong place. There had to be a space between * and the link. Thank you for being helpful )

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