Terrain Painting Blank

Not sure if this is a problem with the download or something I’m missing, but the terrain surface from the demo scene does not have the painted textures shown in the video. Anyone know if there’s something I might need to do to hook it up?

PS of the 3 Dapper Dino courses I’ve seen so far, this one’s been my favourite. Much clearer and easier to follow with more consistent explanation on every item. Nothing against the other ones but nice job here!

Apologies that this got missed as our tagging system has been a bit hit and miss so it was not tagged to a lecture and i didnt pick it up on my daily checks.
A few people have had this issue and replaced the layers (Or i may have caught you in the Udemy Q&A)

Recently i had to restore my project from the github and that loads in without the assets from the store and starts with the terrain being chequered. Once i load in the Fantasy Forest Demo scene then the terrain loads fine.

It may be worth students not just reimporting that asset but also hitting the redownload button to see if that solves the issue.

Some students have mentioned redownloading terrain tools as well helps.

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