Terminally Hack (Some of the) Family Computers (finished)

I’ve completed what I was going to implement in the Terminal Hacker game.

  • Request and use hacker name throughout
  • Use same password during attempts
  • Allow a certain number of attempts then reset to main menu
  • Exit to welcome screen

If anyone could find any errors I would appreciate it.

Game on ShareMyGame.com
Code on Github

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Hi Toby,

Congratulations on getting to the end of this section and publishing your game :slight_smile:

Feedback as requested, not errors, just feedback;

  • player input is case-sensitive, so for example, “MENU” isn’t accepted as “menu”, and passwords can be incorrect even if the letters were, effectively, correct.
  • some passwords have capitalisation in them, this gives the player a degree of help as regardless of the letter’s position, it (or one of them) will be the first letter

All in all a very nice game Toby, well done.

  • I like the inclusion of asking the player’s name and then referring to them by it during the game
  • I was a little surprised the name wasn’t still retained after typing “exit” but I appreciate that it was effectively a hard reset
  • Nice ascii art, especially the “gaming” one :slight_smile:

Hi Rob, Thanks for the feedback.

  • player input is case-sensitive, so for example, “MENU” isn’t accepted as “menu”, and passwords can be incorrect even if the letters were, effectively, correct.

Are you suggesting to use .ToLower() in some way to accept menu, Menu, MeNu, MENU, etc.?

I specifically ask for lowercase menu

const string navHint = "Type 'menu' to return to the Main Menu\nType 'exit' to leave game";

and test the input for a lowercase menu

 if (input == "menu")
  • I was a little surprised the name wasn’t still retained after typing “exit” but I appreciate that it was effectively a hard reset

I thought it would need to be reset also but using string.IsNullOrEmpty()

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))

Seems to keep the user in the Welcome Screen until they type something which then replaces the previous name.

As for Uppercase letters in the passwords…I was just to lazy to figure out good ones.
The ASCII art was also generated online, not my doing but thanks.

Seems logical to allow the user to type menu or exit with a mixed case if they want so I changed it on Github and the original post.

Hi Toby,

Are you suggesting to use .ToLower() in some way to accept menu, Menu, MeNu, MENU, etc.?

Yes, potentially, either ToLower() or ToUpper(), just for the comparison between input and password etc.

I specifically ask for lowercase menu

Yeah, I saw that, so I knew you had “given instructions” so to speak, just thought it worth mentioning.

Seems logical to allow the user to type menu or exit with a mixed case if they want so I changed it

Nice, and well done again on completing this section and adding some whistles and bells :slight_smile:

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