Temporarily Turn Off Symmetry? (Blender Character Creator v2.0)

I’m on the Dyntopo stage of sculpting a character but my sketch’s arms were a bit short proportionally. Now that I’m at the point I want to add a bit more resolution/detail the musculature I realize I need to resize the arms and can’t.

In the screenshot I’m trying to move the biceps “out” to match the sketch in the x direction if that makes sense. However the symmetry is making right and left move in the same direction so I’m hoping to turn off symmetry while I futz around with the arms then turn it back on to continue sculpting. I tried turning off the symmetry in sculpt mode but something else is in play here that I can’t remember. I haven’t touched this file since last January lol. Sorry if this is hard to understand I hope the screenshot makes it better thanks in advance!


My best guess is that you had a mirror modifier which has since been applied. I’m seeing a collection called “Arms,” but every object in there is labelled “right,” which suggests to me that at least in part, you focused your sculpting entirely on one side and allowed it to mirror to the other. That’s slightly different from symmetrized sculpting, which allows you to sculpt on either side at any time and mirrors your changes accordingly.

In any case, it’s definitely possible to do what you’re looking to do, and I tested this to make sure I didn’t mess up the procedure:

  • Make an incremental save (please. That way you won’t skin me if something goes wrong - I wouldn’t look this good XD)
  • Decouple each paired arm segment (P–>Selection) so that you have 2 bicep Objects, 2 forearm Objects, and 2 hand Objects (I’m assuming from this screenshot that the shoulder is in place already).
  • Delete the resulting left arm Objects - you did make that save, right? Cool.
  • Temporarily parent the right arm Objects to an Empty. This will allow you to move them all at once so they maintain relative alignment.
  • Add a Mirror Modifier to each arm Object.
  • In Edit Mode, grab the empty and translate the entire arm as needed. If the mirrors are set up correctly, the newly-generated left arm should follow.
  • When the arms are in position, reverse the parenting to Empty and delete it so it doesn’t cause any other complications later.

Good luck with the project!

Edit: for any forum-cruisers with a similar issue, I forgot to mention that the Mirror Modifiers should use the torso or similar as a Mirror Object.


Ooh that was so simple lol. Not like I’ve never used separate before geeze. I needed to get really OCD and rotate and move each piece into place separately so I didn’t do the empty part but that worked and I’m back to sculpting on better proportioned arms.



Cheers - don’t worry, we all forget the simple stuff from time to time =)


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