When I change from camera to Right or LeftController I get this. The compilation in VS and Unreal is fine but after, when I press start unreal is crash.
FVector Start = LeftController->GetComponentLocation();
FVector End = Start + LeftController->GetForwardVector() * MaxTeleportDistance;
//FVector Start = Camera->GetComponentLocation();
//FVector End = Start + Camera->GetForwardVector() * MaxTeleportDistance;
I Think the problem is here, in the inicialitation but I don’t know why. Pointers are initialized in the class constructor but It tell me that they aren’t inicialitation when I’m checking with a if. I’ve trying several things but it not work. I need some help.
The controllers are visible and its inputs are working well if I don’t use its code, right.
I did a breakpoint and this is the result. UPrimitiveComponent is null. What can I do?
What can I do?