Teleporting system glitches

I followed the setup, the problem maybe that, the XR Interaction toolkit is released and its version greater than in the video (2.5.1)

There are 3 problem:

  • the line visualizer is disabled, but if the invisible line hits the teleporting area, there are an haptic event, thats not good
  • if i press thumbstick north, the line visualizer only appears if I point to the teleporting area, if I point for example into the sky or the walls, the line renderer dont show up
  • sometimes when I press thumbstick nort its not waiting for release, its teleporting instantly


I downloaded the teleporting system commit from the gitlab repo and loaded the project into unity (If you copy the OutOfcirculation directory from the assets, the visuals will work). The problems are exists in this version. too. In the following lessons we will fix it or this is the “production ready” version?

Hi Peter,
I will take a look at this later but VR not being a beginners topic, I don’t see this being a serious issue.

There are other ways of doing these things and this is just one approach.

I will however take a look and see what I can suggest as solutions.

One such solution, for haptic anyway, is to disable haptic at the same time as disabling the line.

Ok, if you point at the sky and press forward, yes it does not show. This is not a bug by the project but rather of the XR Interaction Toolkit by the looks of things. If you point to a nav mesh area and press forward then move up the sky, the line does continue to show. Given this is controlled by the XR Toolkit, fixing it is really beyond the scope of the course.

As for the haptics. I did find a way to turn them on and off and I did this by setting the haptic durations to 0 and to their original values for on. This addressed the vibration. It seems you cannot turn on and off the events via an event which is strange but duration works, it’s just a bit more effort to implement as you need 2 actions for each of for select enter and exited, and then for each controller.

Having talked with the team and the looked at it, they have confirmed this is a bug in the XRi Toolkit.

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