Finally, after a lot of work and a lot of time spent wrestling with technology, it is done.
My game made for Section 4 of the Unity 3D course is now ready.
I’ve done some things that are not in the course, like adding custom 3D models that I downloaded from the Internet (all of them are free to use) and making hit sound effects for particle collision (why does it have to be so complicated for particles?!)
I worked in a different and quite unstable version of Unity, so quite some time was spent not on actual work, but on wrestling with bugs and version differences. I really had to do some digging to fix some of the issues. I also accidentally deleted the thing a couple of times in the early stages, so that also affected the time I spent working on it.
It’s a rather barebones game with fewer features and less content than I usually try to put into a game made in this course, but I guess it’s alright considering the problems I had. Still, I had much bigger plans, but it is what it is.
The song is Tekkno Pidgeon by Vargskelethor Joel