Teeth shift when I move the jaw bone

Hello again, back with another problem with my sculpted dragon. Or maybe more of a question this time.
I was rigging my dragon, did some weight painting, but while working on the face I noticed, that the teeth and chin beard shift in and out of the jaw, when I open and close the mouth.

I wondered if there was a way to fix it. I tried joining the hair parts and teeth to the body and then parent it to the skeleton again, and I guess that works, though I wondered if there is a way to make it work while keeping the parts separate.

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Probably you’ve changed the object (location) in pose mode and not in rest mode.
You need to reset the pose mode or rest mode I forgot.

Check this forum, more students with the same problem.


I found normally when I run into this issue it is due to the fact there is actually Two rigs attached to the teeth instead of just One. Be sure to check the modifiers list and ensure only one is attached. When you re-parent things it does not replace or overwrite the old rig-parent.


Nothing I tried worked, I ended up copying the skeleton on an older Version of the model and redid the weight painting. ^^;


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