TeeBee Channels!

TeeBee Channels
Here we have TeeBeeGuide (he’s a forest ranger), TeeBeeGirl having a mischievous cat moment with the remote, and TeeBaby playing with his VCR! =D
(and a picture of CamcorDog).

TV people - what an awesome concept! My head just about exploded with ideas when I saw the preview for this module, and I immediately wanted to experiment with lots of different types of animations - identical cycles, cycles with small changes each iteration, cycles within cycles, transitions, impacts, animating special properties like emissive strength, and a couple graph editor things as well. There are still a few things I could tweak at this point and it’s maybe a little fast (I wanted to make sure it would fit on the site without too much quality loss), but I had a blast making this! ^v^

Oh yeah, and one of TeeBeeGuide’s videos is my snake from earlier in the module. Right on cue, it says “pi-CHAAA!” As snakes do. XD

Also, I found that what @Grant_Abbitt says in this end-of-module video is absolutely right: every day I spent on this, I was able to use the dopesheet faster and with more control. Thanks for a great project idea and lessons Grant; definitely looking forward to tackling your animation course in the future!


Nice job. Well done :slight_smile:


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