TArrays Help

Maybe I’m not understanding TArrays or I am missing something.

I created an array UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere)TArray ARArray; I have 3 child blueprints of ABaseAutoWeapon I want to populate the array with.
When I go into the editor there is nothing to select from. I tried with AActor and only have a few scene elements. The only way I could get a list to pick from would be if I made a TArray of type UObject.

What am I missing/doing wrong.

I had the same issue, for some reason, TArray does not take Derived Classes into account and only the base class passed into the TArray as a parameter.

I used
TArray<TSubclassOf<BaseClass>> DerivedArray;

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Weaponry")
Using TArray<TSubclassOf<ABaseAutoWeapons>> WeaponArray;

would give you your required input I think.

This let me see all the derived classes as well. I encountered another hurdle after this, which is where I am stuck where I need to cast the TSubclassOf object in the array and get a derived class member whose method I need to access.

TLDR : My method works well if you jsut need to spawn the derived class instances. If you need to run some virtual method in the derived class, there are some issues.

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