Tanky for Android Showcase

Hi fellow game developers, we’ve worked hard on our skills and made a tank game for Android. To be honest, it was a rough ride. There are so many aspects to think about: storyline, consistancy, controls, difficulty ladder, graphics, sounds… Luckily, the Godot Engine has a lot to offer and the results are better than expected.

Tanky the Game
A commander has the urge to go to the beach. She has packed a lot of stuff, until evil bunnies decide to invade the beach. They destroyed your whole base! You’ve got the noble task to save the beach day… Are you up for this crazy adventure?


We’ve made two versions:

  1. A free version with 5 levels:

  2. A paid version with 9 levels and a complete storyline:


What do you think?


awesome stuff in getting a full game out in the wild :+1:
i cant get youtube at work, but looks fab.

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Thanks for your kind comment! Have you tried the game? Feedback is very welcome since I can’t overlook every part of game development. It’s quite a broad topic and there are almost infinite possibilites to add. :sweat_smile:

no worries, cant get a look at it unfortunately as im out of UK at work and internet is restricted.
back home next week and ill get a play :slight_smile:

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Thank you, take your time. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Who could give us some new feedback? :upside_down_face:

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