Tanks not moving

I follwing everything letter to letter.
But the, if the Player Controlled Tank_Bp triggers the Event Begin Play, it seems not to do with TankAIController/ed ones, so tracks aren’t assigned so AI tank won’t move … sad … this is weird because aiming and firing work ! :S

. Same result even with up to date github project (I use 4.18)
AM I the only one, very frustrating after all these videos … should I continue with that ‘no’ effects (I have undestood the principles) … I need to finish that big tut

Ok I made some debugging, I found that Event Begin Play is triggered correctly for all AI Controlled Tank_BP, but the issue is LeftTrack & RightTrack are not keeped in memory

See my code for TankMovementComponent.cpp

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "TankMovementComponent.h"
#include "TankTrack.h"

void UTankMovementComponent::Initialise(UTankTrack* LeftTrackToSet, UTankTrack* RightTrackToSet)
	LeftTrack = LeftTrackToSet;
	RightTrack = RightTrackToSet;
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Mouvement Tracks left/right: %s & %s are Set for Tank %s"),
		*(LeftTrack->GetName()), *(RightTrack->GetName()), *(GetOwner()->GetName()))

void UTankMovementComponent::IntentMoveForward(float Throw)
	if (!LeftTrack || !RightTrack) {
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Missings Track(s) to IntentMoveForward for Tank %s"),

	// TODO prevent double speed due to dual control use

void UTankMovementComponent::IntentTurnRight(float Throw)
	if (!LeftTrack || !RightTrack) { 
	auto Name = GetName();
	RightTrack->SetThrottle(Throw * -1.f);
	// TODO prevent double speed due to dual control use

void UTankMovementComponent::RequestDirectMove(const FVector& MoveVelocity, bool bForceMaxSpeed)
	// No need to call Super as we're replacing the functionnality
	auto TankForward = GetOwner()->GetActorForwardVector().GetSafeNormal();
	auto AIForwardIntention = MoveVelocity.GetSafeNormal();
	auto ForwardThrow = FVector::DotProduct(TankForward, AIForwardIntention);
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("AI forward throw %f"), ForwardThrow);

output log

LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Tank_BP_C_0] Tank_BP BeginPlay Event Triggered
LogTemp: Warning: Mouvement Tracks left/right: LeftTrack & RightTrack are Set for Tank Tank_BP_C_0
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Tank_BP_1707] Tank_BP BeginPlay Event Triggered
LogTemp: Warning: Mouvement Tracks left/right: LeftTrack & RightTrack are Set for Tank Tank_BP_1707
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Tank_BP2_3030] Tank_BP BeginPlay Event Triggered
LogTemp: Warning: Mouvement Tracks left/right: LeftTrack & RightTrack are Set for Tank Tank_BP2_3030
PIE: Play in editor start time for /Game/_Levels/UEDPIE_0_BattleGround -0.199
LogBlueprintUserMessages: Late PlayInEditor Detection: Level '/Game/_Levels/BattleGround.BattleGround:PersistentLevel' has LevelScriptBlueprint '/Game/_Levels/BattleGround.BattleGround:PersistentLevel.BattleGround' with GeneratedClass '/Game/_Levels/BattleGround.BattleGround_C' with ClassGeneratedBy '/Game/_Levels/BattleGround.BattleGround:PersistentLevel.Ba
LogTemp: Warning: AI forward throw 0.998884
LogTemp: Warning: Missings Track(s) to IntentMoveForward for Tank Tank_BP2_3030
LogTemp: Warning: AI forward throw 0.744032
LogTemp: Warning: Missings Track(s) to IntentMoveForward for Tank Tank_BP_1707
LogTemp: Warning: AI forward throw 0.998884
LogTemp: Warning: Missings Track(s) to IntentMoveForward for Tank Tank_BP2_3030
LogTemp: Warning: AI forward throw 0.743949
LogTemp: Warning: Missings Track(s) to IntentMoveForward for Tank Tank_BP_1707
LogTemp: Warning: AI forward throw 0.998885
LogTemp: Warning: Missings Track(s) to IntentMoveForward for Tank Tank_BP2_3030
LogTemp: Warning: AI forward throw 0.742295
LogTemp: Warning: Missings Track(s) to IntentMoveForward for Tank Tank_BP_1707
LogTemp: Warning: AI forward throw 0.998886
LogTemp: Warning: Missings Track(s) to IntentMoveForward for Tank Tank_BP2_3030
LogTemp: Warning: AI forward throw 0.741792
LogTemp: Warning: Missings Track(s) to IntentMoveForward for Tank Tank_BP_1707
LogTemp: Warning: AI forward throw 0.998886
LogTemp: Warning: Missings Track(s) to IntentMoveForward for Tank Tank_BP2_3030
LogTemp: Warning: AI forward throw 0.741213

Happens same for me, Did you find any fix to this?

Nvm, fixed it. I didn’t remove TankMovementComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UTankMovementComponent>(FName("MovementComponent")); in Tank.cpp

I did remove that and I’m receiving the same issue.

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