Tanks and Tripods

Hello There!
As with the mech, I spent too much time on these, started over, or managed to break blender (crashed …).

A tank

And the Tripods.
And yes, there is an endless rabbit hole for references. Who knew?

I ended up using a different color palette for the tripods.

I had a lot of fun making these.

Next stop, Mordor!



These look absolutely amazing! I’m trying to make some cool mechs myself at the moment…
May I ask how you created those circular missiles on the tripods? How did you evenly split the faces with emission like that?

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Sure thing! I took a lazy path :smiley:

I used a cylinder.

Step by step
In edit mode, extrude and scale until you have the shape you want.

Scale in X&Y only (s, Shift z)

Select the face you want to glow or have a different material.

Under shading, assign a material to the whole body.

Add a new slot and assign it to the selected faces. Then add the material, or color you want.

Using an emission shader makes it glow. (right click, add, shader, emission)

Here you go.

Hope this helps.


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Ah beautiful, thank you so much. Was wondering whether you did it with a cone, but this makes more sense!

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The beauty of blender, there are plenty of ways to get to the same result.

Hmm, I haven’t thought about using the cone. But the single point on top would prevent adding loop cuts. You’d have to extrude the bottom and do scaling too.

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