TankPlayerController_BP (Unresolved compiler error)

Somewhere between this video and the previous video I have somehow made an error where I get the current message:

One or more blueprints has an unresolved compiler error, are you sure you want to Play in Editor?

Whenever I attempt to actually open the tankplayerController_BP UE4 crashes and I’m not too sure why that is?

I also get a “BP COMPILE ERROR” in the viewport when I play in the editor

has anyone else had this issue at all? I believe it only occured during this video.

My current github link is: https://github.com/TimKardaras/RagingWar

Thank you in advance if you have any ideas!

Edit: I have tried to rebuild my project and with no success

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In AimTowardsCrosshair you need if (!GetPawn()) { return; } at the begining and in your TankPlayerController you need to use the FoundAimingComponent event not BeginPlay

You need that because for some reason the Tick method fires in the blueprint editor, the bug is currently listed on their tracker here

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When you say in your tankplayercontroller you need to use the found aiming component do you mean in the BP? because if so I can’t actually open the BP without a crash.

I’m also using UE 4.12.5

Yes, the if(!GetPawn() { return; } check added to the AimTowardsCrosshair function should allow you to open the blueprint. Did you add that and compile?

I’m not 100% sure I exactly understand so this is a snippet of my current code which I have recompiled:

It should be the very first thing in that function. It’s no use checking if it’s nullptr after you use it now is it :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s exactly right haha! I have had a long day at work and didn’t realize. i’m trying to sort out the issues I am having with my blueprint now

I do apologize that i’m bothering you again, however, I can’t seem to figure out how to correctly set up the BP aiming comp. Reference since everything has been refactored. Is that sorted later on or have I missed something?

Not doing so well with the brain functioning, huh? :stuck_out_tongue: Remember me saying to use the Found Aiming Component event instead of the Begin Play?

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hahaha yeah I think i’m just going to stop for the night because my brain clearly needs a big rest

Thank you for all of your help :slight_smile:

No problem :slight_smile:

Thanks Timothy for bringing this up and Dan for your solution! I’ve spent too much time already trying to figure out what the deal was.

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This fixed it for me too but i don’t even want to think about as too why. It also made it so the crosshair enum color was working again … ftw

This is why


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