Tank GDD


Also worth noting are the “8 kinds of fun” since we are focusing so much on fun in this section.

Fun on its own is so subjective that it is not much of a useful goal, but breaking it down allows you to figure what kind of experience you are going for.

The local co-op would add fellowship but that is optional so probably not our main focus.

Challenge and sensation are the two types that apply to our project (though sensation is not going to be at the level of AAA games that is for sure)


My own GDD for tank game: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N10n-fiyF0ncBPXpVBDS2K1g2_PXmHOxIay5iqgEtqA/edit?usp=sharing

Hey everyone,

Sharing my GDD for this new lesson.

Here is my take of the concept. I tried to keep it as simple as possible.

A simple tank game. There are two players (ai-controlled, or split-screen) that compete in a limited size arena. One of the players wins by destroying the other player’s tank.


  • Each player has a single tank he controls;
  • Each tank has unlimited ammunition;
  • Each tank has limited health;
  • Each successful hit decreases the fifts of tanks health bar;
  • When the health of a tank reaches zero it blows up, and the opposite player wins the match.


  • Meshes for tank and turrets;
  • Sounds for shots and explosions;
  • Simple HUD and menu;
  • Support for AI;
  • Support for split-screen mode.

Here is my gdd :slight_smile:

Movement will only restricted by the Mountains which are enclosing the main battle area. The speed of the tank is at about 50-70km/h

Each tank have a cannon and a machine gun. Both will have infinite ammo.

There will be 3 difficulty modes which differs in the enemy health. Each Hit will always reduce 10 points of your health.
Your total health is 100 at the beginning.

Special Powers
You can pick up special powers to improve your tank

Extra Health
You will get 100% more health than before

Laser Cannon
The laser cannon shoots an undisrupted leaser beam

Tank will get 50% more speed

Win / Loose Conditions in different game modes

Capture the flag
Get the flag from an enemy tank and bring it back to your base. The enemy tank will drop it after you destroyed him. You have to get the flag 5 times to win. You loose if the enemy tank captured your flag 5 times

Survival Run
Drive through a specific route without being hit. You will die at the first hit.

Boss Mode
After killing 5 Tanks from the enemy, a boss tank with shields and much more health will spawn (Boss Tank is also bigger than anything you have seen before.You loose if you get destroyed

Time Mode
You got 2 minutes to get more points than any other tankYou loose if the time is up

Football Mode
You play 5 vs 5 tanks. There will be a big goal at each opposite of the map and there will be a big football :slight_smile:


  • Tank controls for moving forward, backward, left right
  • Independent control for moving the cannon
  • Firing the cannon or the machinge gun

Sound Effects
*Tank moving sounds
*Firing sounds for Machine Gun and Cannon
*Sound for moving cannon

Graphical Effects
Effect for shooting
Hit should be shown by a explosion effect
Tank movement should disperse dust

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My Tank GDD.

Rules: Stay inside area. Unlimited ammo, limited health.
Death occurs when health < 0.
Requirements: Assets.
Some sort of AI
Team death match is the first game mode. Maybe some attack and defend.
Also a time limit,

Having a little man jump out and frantically grab the ammo boxes seems hilarious in theory. That would be fun to play for the time being.

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