Tank Game Projectile randomly stopped working

I tried to run the DamageTaken() function in the HealthComponent in lecture “Applying Damage 136” when I started to get a crash that was typical for referencing a null pointer. So I started commenting out code fragments until the game would stop crashing. I figured out that it was the reference to the static mesh component of BP_Projectile that was missing. When I look at BP_Projectile in the content browser, it clearly shows the Bullet Mesh

but when I open the full blueprint editor, the viewport section doesn’t show the projectile mesh. What’s more: I added the selection for the static mesh component using a UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = “Combat”) in the C++ class. But when I look at the derived blueprint actor from my C++ class, that section doesn’t show up. The hierarchy of the components clearly shows that there is a static mesh component, but the UPROPERTY is invisible and cannot be set to anything and the mesh doesn’t appear in the viewport.

I didn’t have any fatal crashes before this and I always made sure to rebuild the entire project from VSCode after every lecture with the editor closed. I am baffled how this could even happen in the first place, but I am not really mad anymore since I’ve already made the experience that Unreal likes to randomly break things for some reason.

So my current strategy is to remake the BP_Projectile from the C++ Class and reset all the properties (if that will be possible then), which should be no issue, since all the code for those components to exist is specified in the C++ code of the AProjectile constructor.

Header file:

My question is:
How did this happen? Did I set some property incorrectly? Did I compile incorrectly? And also:
Do changes to the C++ class of AProjectile not get dynamically passed on to the derived BP_Projectile blueprint? If I add another component through C++ in Projectile.cpp, should that component not show up in the outliner of the derived BP_Projectile blueprint after compiling? How can it be that my C++ code is all there, I keep recompiling it, yet the StaticMeshComponent property seems to be missing from the BP_Blueprint and cannot be set? Is the broken blueprint preventing the updates in C++ from reaching the derived BP_blueprint somehow?

Without knowing absolutely every step you did, it’s incredibly hard to even guess.

It kind of depends as they get serialised. Adding members should be fine but modifying them is just going to change the defaults. Changing

int32 Value = 3;


int32 Value = 5;

isn’t going to affect existing blueprints or instances. This is why the binding of the delegate was done in BeginPlay instead of the constructor as the blueprint was already created.

It would be at this point I would throw the blueprint away and create a new one. Can’t really tell you why that happened as I’m not entirely sure.

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