Tank floating?

My tank is floating in the air for some reason and I’m not sure why.

It was already doing so before, but it got worse (higher in the air) when I changed the collision on the capsule to Block All. My capsule isn’t that big, it’s slightly smaller than the tank itself yet this happens.
I’ve tried moving the tank below the collider, which helps a little, but I can’t lower it enough to get the tank to get to the ground without the editor crashing (not to mention that would put the mesh outside the collider in which case I wouldn’t be experiencing collisions anyways). Anyone know of this issue and how to fix it?

Is your player start on the ground? You can use the end key on your keyboard to do so.

It seemed to be slightly higher than the ground, and pressing end did seem to lower the tank a tad bit, but it is still floating.

Have you tried putting it a little further down? I think the mesh is slightly above the origin IIRC.

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