I noticed that the AI does not fire at the requested cooldown rate when moving to the player in the video. It appears to be working at the end of his video… But if he tested it further he might find that when the AI is walking the firing intervals do not work as commanded… Unless it is a fluke bug in my version, despite it looking identical to the video. I actually notice eventually the AI stops fireing all together while moving to player as though they are out of ammo.
I also just noticed that when the AI is at the player location, he shoots his 3 shots as fast as possible disregarding the wait node. Meaning my behavior is different then in the video. This is very odd.
^AI disreguards 1 second wait, and also doesnt obey the cooldown in next to the move to node, behaving at random until not firing at all
Actually I just noticed the AI is only allowed to fire a burst once while moving to a player.