I hope someone can answer these issues for me.
First I’ll tell you about my set up , Radeon 7 (3700x) proc with RTX 2080 Super, 32G Ram and dual monitors.
Wife has just bought me an XP-Pen Deco 1 ver 2 graphics tablet.
I have been playing with it this evening and a few things are confusing me.
I have Krita running on Monitor 2, and the tablet config program , has set the tablet to work on Monitor 2.
No when I try and use the pen , half the tablet seems to we working on the other Monitor.
Is there anyway to set the drawing limitsa in Krita to the tablet .
I dont think Im explaining myself well , sigh . What I want to do is set top left and bottom right of the tablet so that the program knows where the boundries are.