Tablets and Drawing package

I hope someone can answer these issues for me.

First I’ll tell you about my set up , Radeon 7 (3700x) proc with RTX 2080 Super, 32G Ram and dual monitors.
Wife has just bought me an XP-Pen Deco 1 ver 2 graphics tablet.
I have been playing with it this evening and a few things are confusing me.
I have Krita running on Monitor 2, and the tablet config program , has set the tablet to work on Monitor 2.

No when I try and use the pen , half the tablet seems to we working on the other Monitor.
Is there anyway to set the drawing limitsa in Krita to the tablet .

I dont think Im explaining myself well , sigh . What I want to do is set top left and bottom right of the tablet so that the program knows where the boundries are.


Does the software for your tablet have a configuration mode? For example, with Wacom you can set the are on which your tablet is active. The XP-pen software is the first place I’d look.

Congrats on your new device! It was quick! :grin:

Unfortunately I cannot help you with your exact problem, but there is no inherent limitation to Krita about it. I’ve used it with wacom and huion tablets without major issues. I guess it’s configuration problem. I also had some issues when configuring huion one, the software (and drivers) for non-wacoms are less polished still. But I think this is only configuration problem.

Ah! I think I know what it might be (at least I just experienced similar thing with my huion tablet).

By default it was configured to try to use all monitors - but it actually behaved similary to what you have described. I had to switch the tablet to just use 1 monitor.

Plus one additional issue with krita, I had to turn on this option for my huion pen to work:

Hope that helps a bit.

Finally sorted it out. For some reason selecting Monitor one in tablet config software was selecting the complete graphical area ie both pc monitors, hence it was centring between the monitors. I had to select a display ration and then select the work area. It worked fine last night , but windows did in update so fingers crossed it will still work lol


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