since each level is loaded, when its ready method is called with your above code, it will set and play each time.
im having a rough play around with it, we could use the music autoloaded scene where we already have the music playing.
ok, bit of a dirty workaround.
what ive done, in the start_menu.gd and the level.gd scripts add this ready method
func _ready():
ill create this function in the autoloaded script in a sec.
so in the audio_player.gd script, pop these at the top, if theyre not there already, just references to the two audio streams you want for level and start music
@onready var title_music = preload("res://assets/audio/title.wav")
@onready var level_music = preload("res://assets/audio/music.ogg")
@onready var music_player = $MusicPlayer
so now if you add this following function to the audio_player script
func level_changed():
var scene_name = get_tree().get_current_scene().name
if (scene_name == "StartMenu"):
music_player.stream = title_music
if (music_player.stream == title_music):
music_player.stream = level_music
so when any level is loaded, its ready is called, then they run this level_changed() method.
it will check if the scene name is startMenu, if it is, play the start menu music.
if not it will check to see if the already allocated stream name is the level music, if it is, does nothing,
but if it was set to something else, it will set the bg music and play.
see how you get on with that, hope its what your looking for