After playing through several of these lectures, I’ve noticed that you often provide links to parts of the Unity documentation about various bits of code that are used in the lectures, Rigidbody2D etc. I think it might be useful to explain to newer users how to hook up Visual Studio to have a shortcut to search the Unity documentation for things that they type in order to find information for anything they might want to know more about. (Tools->Options->Keyboard … search for unity in the box, and then change the Help.UnityAPIReference to something like ctrl-’ or whatever) Then any time they don’t know about whatever they can just mouse over the particular keyword and type ctrl-’ to open the relevant documentation.
I’m sure you probably have this information on your site somewhere else already, I just noticed that it was missing from the lectures until this point and thought it would be good for someone to know as they are learning. Very much enjoying the lectures to this point, money well spent.