[Suggestion] NavMeshAgent.Warp() hint should go in the challenge's slide

I just spent two hours trying to figure out why my solution to spawning the player at the portal did not work properly, then kinda lost my mind when the lecture’s solution did not work properly either, spent another hour fruitlessly trying various things, almost gave up for today, then finally somewhat discomforted I decided to trundle on and see what else was in store for me tomorrow, and only at the end of the whole thing Sam From The Future addressed the issue I (and I suppose others) was having, definitely too late.

I reckon a much better place for Sam’s From The Future’s message would be in the slide; It doesn’t have to give it away, but just an addendum with something like “if your solution doesn’t work properly, don’t panic and look into the NavMeshAgent” or something like that.
It would’ve made the lesson much easy to follow and saved me an afternoon of bashing my head against the keyboard. The very delayed addition seems to favor those who code monkey the whole course and don’t even try to take the challenge.

Thank you for the feedback.
I have forwarded this suggestion to Sam.

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Thanks! I feel I’ve been a bit coarse in that post, I was frustrated. Apologies.

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