Suggestion-ish about follow-up courses

Hello all, I just recently finished the Unity 2D RPG: Complete Combat System Course. If @Stephen_Hubbard or someone else is willing to continue the series, Basically what I think would be cool is if Course 1 is beginner, Course 2 is intermediate, and Course 3 would advanced features. All though I learned a lot from the course I feel it just wasn’t enough to continue in a way that follows the way he wrote the logic. I would pretty much have to re-write the system to fit future needs. I’m not saying the way he did it was bad or anything, IMO he just didn’t do it in a way where you can take off from where it ended. To be clear I’m in no way saying that it’s impossible to create something from what he taught. Just that without further knowledge about other things that accompany a game of that style It would be quite difficult. All that being said, some things I would love to see if the series was continued.

• Modular (Easy as possible) Inventory system including equipping/un-equipping items.
• Stat system. Something that would allow easy modifiers to stats.
• Quest system. Nothing super in-depth but something where you could plug in some text and some rewards and whatever said creator would think would be best to teach.
• Boss fights, something a bit more in-depth, probably a continuation of the basic enemy system, but where the bosses have logic that they can sort of choose certain attack patterns based off a conditional system.
Wave System. I’d settle for having one wave system but having multiple is probably needed.

I’m sure there are more things but that’s a good start for now. Thanks for hearing me out.


Hey Seshua,

I think you hit the nail on the head! I think the courese does a good job trying to accomplish what I sent out to do as a nice learning experience. But a lot of the systems aren’t built in a super scalable way depending on the type of game one might be looking to create.

Here’s a good example that was recently shared with me from a student that expanded off the course into something much greater!

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Thanks for the reply @Stephen_Hubbard. Yeah the course is definitely a good starting point. If I had to classify myself I’m somewhere near intermediate. I know little about a lot of things but not enough to try to put a full production game into motion. I’m currently watching a pretty nice tutorial series by Dan Pos (Youtube) about making a inventory system. But yeah like I said if you or anyone else is willing to continue the series or start a new one on some of the subjects I mentioned above. I’d be willing to invest into that. No pressure on anyone, I’m sure you all are quite busy.

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