Substance Designer to Blender Plugin

I’ve been slowly trying to learn some of Substance Designer, following the excellent tutorials by Wes on the Adobe website, and integrating it with Blender. They made a plugin for Blender to work with .sbsar files, and although I’m having some issues, it is very cool to see.

Here’s the final render using IRay in Designer:

And here using Cycles in Blender (for some reason the nails disappeared):

Here’s what the node looks like in Blender, the plugin takes care of most of the work for you:

One of the advantages of using a Substance is the ability to expose parameters (in my case all I have is a roughness slider) and adjust them in real time in Blender.


Wow this looks really well made. How long did it take you to get good at substance designer?

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Thank you but trust me, I’m not good yet at designer! :laughing:
This is actually my second time taking this same tutorial because it’s so dense, the first time was last summer I think. Now I’m trying to get more into it, following other tutorials and soon hopefully making my own stuff.

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